Since the December solstice, the frequency has changed to a greater degree and timelines have collapsed even further, which can feel like time has sped up. This leads to deeper healing, transformation and awakening. This month can feel huge for you personally and for the world. Be sure to distance yourself from the human drama and set healthy boundaries.
January and February carry the energy of clearing and healing what is not in heart coherence to prepare you for the new cycle and to be able to define your path forward.
Deep healing on many levels is occurring. Very old wounds that you have felt in the past may resurface and you will realise how they still have affected your life in many ways. You will also become increasingly aware of your multidimensional nature this month and remember other lifetimes and existences. Sensitivity and intuition are greatly heightened.
The external world seems to become even more chaotic. People are increasingly awakening and realising the illusion of the reality they believed in. The status quo is questioned evermore. It is now becoming apparent that 2020 was only the beginning of a fundamental change that we will experience in this intensity, but with a different frequency, in the next 3-4 years. A change we desperately need. We are in transition into a new era that carries the energy of the heart, that is love, compassion and unity. In this new energy, it is important to be mindful of your thoughts, focus, beliefs, and words as everything manifests much faster and potentials can change quickly. Staying centred, flexible, and present in your heart is key for the time ahead.
Energetically this is a time to be very gentle with yourself. Nourish your body, mind, and soul. Focus inwards. Stay with what is and allow your feelings and emotions to show you where you need healing and where you need to make changes in your life in the coming weeks. Listen to your heart. Pay attention and listen to your dreams and their messages and your spiritual guidance. That will help you prepare for the time ahead and lay a foundation for your future path. Hold space for yourself and only support others if you feel well and have enough energy. It is time to just feel and be.

Reawakening Our Feminine Energy and Aligning with Our Natural Rhythms
A new cycle This cycle invites us to embrace our feminine energy more fully. We have lived in a paradigm dominated by yang, masculine energy, where discipline, willpower, structure, and a mind-driven life were prioritised.