Waves of Oneness is a portal, an ambassador and advocate
for the new earth.
A bridge and mediator of understanding between the old and the new Paradigm, Spirit and our humanness, the heart, and the mind and all of existence. We are in a time of transition into a New Ara – a cycle of deep purification, heart awakening, and ascension that has begun for us – as individuals and as a whole. Our devotion is to assist the empowerment, embodiment, and remembrance of the wisdom of the heart through healing arts and understanding of the true essence of the Self and all creation. We cultivate the embracing and honoring of our humanness and support you in living a life in joy, sovereignty, and passion with the sense of belonging and purpose, sharing your unique gift with the world.
Here we offer



& Tools
to guide you on your journey of self-mastery, growth, expansion and embodiment of your humanness, divinity, and truth. We remember your wholeness, soul path, and magical beauty. We offer a way back home; to your heart, soul, and ultimately, wholeness.
our founder

Welcome to Waves of Oneness. I’m excited that
you found your way here!
I believe each one of us is meant to live a purposeful, authentic, and empowered life from the heart. One filled with inspiration, joy, and in awe of being alive. It is not about being perfect or feeling great all the time, but rather about showing up in the world in your truth and all that you are with an open heart. It’s about letting your unique, beautiful light shine, and sharing your innate wisdom and gifts. It´s a journey of meeting yourself and all of creation with compassion, respect and loving acceptance.
As a highly sensitive and empathic child, I often felt overwhelmed by all the impressions and perceptions of the physical as well as the subtle world. Not understanding my natural openness and feeling overwhelmed by it, I developed panic attacks and an anxiety disorder. In addition, I suffered from body shame, felt wrongly placed on this planet and started to believe that there was something wrong with me. So I lost my primal trust in life and began to turn outwards to seek answers and clarity for myself, that led to losing myself.
After a long healing journey which began in my mid-20s and took me around the world introducing me to different cultures and healing arts, I found my way back ‘home’ to my heart and truth, remembering my soul calling. Only then I realized that the love, passion, joy, sense of belonging, and all the answers I had been yearning for were and have always been within me.
Throughout this period of time, I left an unsatisfactory international corporate marketing career. This initiated a cycle of coming and going from Switzerland – my home country. My search took me over the years to many countries including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and several Central and South American countries.
Then in 2012, I decided to travel to Mysore, India, to deepen my knowledge of Asthanga Yoga. My originally planned one month became 2.5 years of a deep and intense journey of healing, awakening, and self-growth. While living in India I studied yoga and re-discovered and began to understand and deepen my heightened psychic awareness and to learn about the arts of energy healing.
During this time, I also took part in an incredible spiritual pilgrimage to Egypt that touched and reopened my heart in the most profound way. This journey and my time in India made me realize my soul purpose and helped me to reconnect with my truth, heart, and essence. It also taught me to honour and embody more of me, embrace my body and humanness, and find joy, belonging, and peace within. Since then, I have continuously supported people worldwide on their journey of heart awakening, learning to honour their uniqueness and finding clarity, joy, belonging and purpose on this earthly plane.
After living in Australia from 2013 – 2018, working, studying Kinesiology, and attending the 3-year Mentorship Program at the Energy Mentoring School with Lynette Arakdie as well as deepening my skills as an Ashtanga Yoga Teacher, my main base is back in Switzerland. I still have been travelling regularly to different countries to share my work. Currently, I mainly offer my work in person in Switzerland and online around the world.
I am continuously learning, deepening, and developing several disciplines, which have led me to build the skills and experience to support others. It fills me with immense joy to share this journey, my unique gifts, experiences, modalities, and tools in such way with others. I feel deeply grateful to be in divine service at this time of the profound shift into the New Paradigm.
- Gene Keys – the Activation Sequence Retreat, Richard Rudd, online training, 2024
- Soul History Workshop Level 3, Akashic Record Reading & Healing, Chris Wilson, New Zealand, online training 2023/24
- Accredited, Yin Yoga and TCM Training (50hr), Josh Summers, United States, online training, 2022
- Practitioner for Australian Bushflowers, School for Flower Essences, Switzerland, 2020
- Practitioner Flowers of Bach Level 1, Practice of Naturopathy Wenk, Switzerland, 2020
- Diploma in Holistic Kinesiology and Body-Mind Medicine, College of Complementary Medicine, Australia, 2015-2017
- Energy Mentoring School with Lynette Arkadie, Australia, 2014-2017
- Accredited Children Yoga Teacher, Rainbow Yoga, Switzerland, 2017
- Ashtanga Yoga Assistance at Ashtanga YogaMoves, Australia, 2015-2017
- Authorized Ashtanga Yoga teacher Level I, Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Institute Mysore, India, 2014
- Certified and internationally registered Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, India, 2013
- Certified and internationally registered Magnified Healer/Master Teacher Phase 1, India 2012.
- PGCE – Diploma Foreign Language Tuition for Adults, Arbeitskreis DaF – AkDaF, Switzerland, 2009-2010
- Certificate in Social Studies BMS, Switzerland, 2005-2006
- Further Studies in Marketing Communication, SAWI, Switzerland 2002-2003
- Commercial Federal Diploma of Business, BMS, Switzerland, 1995-1998