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Angelic Reiki Practitioner Workshop

Angelic Reiki is a holistic approach to naturally assist the healing of the body, mind, and spirit. It is a profound system for

  • Self-healing and healing others.
  • Consciousness expansion and finding clarity in life
  • Personal development and transformation

Angelic Reiki draws from the Usui and Shamballa lineages and combines these with powerful transmissions channeled by Kevin Core. You will learn to work hand in hand with the highest energies of the angelic realm, ascended masters, collective and galactic beings. 

Egypt is a place where the knowledge of Atlantis was hidden, both in the physical and etheric structures of the temples. This vibration is being resurrected as the connection with the Divine that was lost 14,500 years ago. The Angelic Reiki System is one of the vehicles for this lost vibration to be restored to humanity. When you connect with this energy it will cause ancient locks, placed in the consciousness of Humanity to be released, allowing you to experience this reality in a different way.

This is a complete system of energy healing, which is open to all. The attunement through the angelic kingdom prepares and initiates you to start working hand in hand with angelic beings of light and establishes a conscious and permanent link with the angelic dimension supporting you powerfully in your daily life.

Angelic Reiki consists of 4 different levels. Each level is taught over 2.5 days.

  • Angelic Reiki 1&2
  • Angelic Reiki 3&4
  • Angelic Reiki Professional Practitioner
  • Angelic Reiki Master Teacher

*We do travel to facilitate workshops. If you are interested in us facilitating a workshop in your city, please contact us.
